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product detail
BF GREEN L Muster 3 g
part no.: 142930

142930further information:

Complete Food for ornamental fish

Reg. no. PET6237

DR. BASSLEER BIOFISH FOOD GREEN is a granulated premium food for herbivore aquarium fish. It contains the necessary beneficial food substances and also extra 5 % grounded leaves of the „miracle tree“ Moringa oleifera and 5 % of the valuable Chlorella fresh water algae. This food is rich of carotenoids, antioxidants, essential non-saturated amino-acids, chlorophyll, vitamins and trace elements. With this balanced food, ornamental fish will grow very fast in healthy conditions and demonstrate rapidly their natural colors.

Composition: Cereals, fish and fish derivatives, derivatives of vegetable origin, Chlorella (5 %), Moringa oleifera (5 %), crustaceans, yeast, minerals

Additives: Dietary physiological additives per kg: Vitamin A 7,500 IE , Vitamin C 1,000 mg, Vitamin D3 800 IE, Vitamin E 400 mg, Astaxanthin 5 mg | Trace elements per kg: Zincsulfate monohydrate 110 mg, Manganesesulfate monohydrate 17 mg, Coppersulfate pentahydrate 2 mg, Iodate calcium 2 mg | Antioxidants | Zootechnical additives per kg: Probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici 3,000 CFU/mg

Ingredients: Crude protein 54 %, crude oils and fats 12 %, crude fiber 12 %, crude ash 10 %

Guaranteed free of artificial colors


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